
Great Mosque of Central Java

MAJT (Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah) or the Great Mosque of Central Java is the great mosque in Central Java, Indonesia. It placed in Gajah st. Semarang. This mosque had a unique architecture. In front of the mosque, there's  aaaa, something like what, you know, just see the picture below and you will know. It's in Rhome Style...

Then after that, there were some big, not only big, super big umbrella just like if you go to Nabawi Mosque in Madinah. It would protect the jamaah who wanted to pray there. But, it just, will be opened at Friday or at some other big time.

This mosque had a tower, which, if we could get to the highest stair, you will see whole Semarang city and around it. You could also look by the telescope there, to look more clear for the place you want to see.

Nah, it's just the simple information about the place you could go to when you are in Semarang. This is a good place, to pray, picnic, or just to take photos. But, the main purpose if you come here is come to pray to God.

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