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Prambanan historical temple

Prambanan temple is the biggest Hindu temple in Indonesia. It is located in Magelang, Central Java. This temple had a very interesting history.

Once upon a time there was a Princess named Roro Jonggrang, she is a beautiful princess. Bandung Bondowoso, is the Prince who wanted to marry Roro Jonggrang. But, Roro Jonggrang just wanted to marry him with a condition. Bandung Bondowoso should make a thousand temple in a night. So, Bandung Bondowoso agreed and built the temple with the helps of his mystic friends.
Bandung bondowoso will have finished the 1000 temples when Roro Jonggrang cheated him with the burning fire and morning sign she made. Afraid with the morning sign, Bondowoso's friend went away and he failed to make the 1000 temples. But, knowing that Roro Jonggrang is the one who made him fail, to make the temple and marry her, Bandung Bondowoso angry and made Roro Jonggrang to be a statue to complete the 1000 temples.

To know the more complete history, come here and read the following ^^

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Flash Shots from Lampung

Lampung is a province located in southern Sumatra Island, Indonesia.
I had the opportunity to get there last last last year, when attended in my uncle's wedding ^^
And this is the flash shots ( the picture I took on the road in a running vehicle). Not so clear but hope it could be still identified and identify that Lampung is a beautifully unique city ^^

Menara siger is the symbol of Lampung, the sign is placed in some (average) building in Lampung, 

Many statue and symbol of Lampung city spread on the street. That were nice spot to take picture :D

Humm, hope I could get there again. To the Lampung beautiful and nice city ^^
Let's go there!

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My Illustration - with adobe Illustrator

Capek inggris-inggrisan melulu, kali ini saya hanya ingin memajang showcase. Hasil karya ilustrasi saya yang paling ehem, emh, walaupun ya memang begitu biasa. namun sangat luar biasa buat saya karena baru kali ini saya bisa membuat sesuatu dengan Illustrator. Inilah, karya newbie, tanpa pengetahuan sama sekali. jadi asal nyoba, kebetulan jadi. Alhamdulillah, semoga ada saran dan kritik yang bisa membangun semangat saya. hehe...

1. Flouie

adalah gambar bunga dari gambar saya terdahulu, dari sketch, saya trace di AI (setelah sebelumnya saya foto dahulu), lalu diwarnai saja seadanya. Itu juga nggak sengaja, hehe.

2. Sepatu Kaca

kalau sepatu ini, saya trace dari gambar sepatu atau wedges yang ada di website toko online. Lumayan mudah, dan kelihatan indah? Iyakah?

3. Did you get what I mean?

Berawal dari tulisan biasa, saat saya gemar sekali mncoret-coret waktu sedang suntuk belajar atau apa. Tiang lampu mewakili tanda tanya besar, apakahkamu tau apa maksud saya? Did you get what I mean? Get it?

Yah, dengan karya yang sangat biasa ini, saya mengharapkan apresiasi dari anda agar bisa lebih dan lebih lagi menghasilkan dalam berkarya. Saran dan support anda akan sangat saya hargai. terima kasih :)

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Nice Shots of Tirto Samudro Beach

One of my favorite place to refresh my mind. Here, tirto samudro (Bandengan Beach) in Bandengan village,  Jepara, Central Java. Tirto means water and samudro means ocean, so it is the water of the ocean. Right at the northest side of Central Java.

Sometimes, it's a quite place to release all stress and just calm...

Photography, catch every picture whenever, wherever...

With the white sands, fresh air, warm water, and beautiful me *oops I mean scenery. You will not be bored to be here forever. You, not me, hehe... 

with friends, soulmate, family, even just yourself
just enjoy the beach
feel the nature and feel the food, hehe

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Great Mosque of Central Java

MAJT (Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah) or the Great Mosque of Central Java is the great mosque in Central Java, Indonesia. It placed in Gajah st. Semarang. This mosque had a unique architecture. In front of the mosque, there's  aaaa, something like what, you know, just see the picture below and you will know. It's in Rhome Style...

Then after that, there were some big, not only big, super big umbrella just like if you go to Nabawi Mosque in Madinah. It would protect the jamaah who wanted to pray there. But, it just, will be opened at Friday or at some other big time.

This mosque had a tower, which, if we could get to the highest stair, you will see whole Semarang city and around it. You could also look by the telescope there, to look more clear for the place you want to see.

Nah, it's just the simple information about the place you could go to when you are in Semarang. This is a good place, to pray, picnic, or just to take photos. But, the main purpose if you come here is come to pray to God.

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Hup, Hello World!

Good day, or night, morning or whenever you read this post!
I will start to post something here. Hope it useful for everyone. Since, everybody sais, sharing is caring.
Do I care? Whatever but I just want to share everything ^^
Stay in here, or you could visit my main page